
Forensic Bill Auditing

The Right Tool For the Job

Recently, I was mounting shelves and needed to secure some metal brackets to a brick wall. The job required a hammer drill, so I rented one and got to work. It did… Read more

Forensic Bill Auditing

On the Energy Consumer Protection Act

Ontario’s Energy Consumer Protection Act, 2010 (ECPA) came into effect on January 1, 2011. Here is a piece of legislation whose very title expresses a basic feature of our provincial government’s mandate:… Read more

Forensic Bill Auditing

Defending Against Underbillings

Besides being very capable of overbilling customers, gas, water, and electricity utilities are also capable of underbilling customers. If a utility finds that an underbilling error has been made and depending upon the… Read more

Forensic Bill Auditing

Billing Errors – From the Other Side

One of the least favourite responsibilities in an electrical utility customer service environment is to try to collect money from customers when the billing error is in the utility’s favour. There are… Read more